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Safe handling of hazardous substances

Safe handling of hazardous substances

Safe handling of hazardous substances

Industrial catalysts used in petrochemical processes are considered hazardous substances due to the residues deposited on them, from which people and the environment must be protected. Consequently, any dust emissions into the environment are a real “no-go” during catalyst changeout. Clear procedures and suitable technologies can ensure the safe handling of these hazardous substances. In our last project at one of our chemical customers, for example, we placed our vacuum unit in a collection tray during unloading and provided the filter separator in a dust and weather protection enclosure with separate dust extraction. To discharge the catalyst material under the cyclone, the drums were placed on roller conveyors on which the material could then be safely transported to the transport pallets. Goal achieved: No dust released into the atmosphere, no contamination of the surroundings and transport pallets, clean storage on a safe area assigned by the customer! Further information:

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